In 2022, Japan established the GX League (GX: green transformation), a forum for cooperation between a group of companies and the government, universities, and academic institutions in order to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and increase industrial competitiveness by using Japan’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 as an opportunity for economic growth.
Currently, companies from various industries that endorse the GX League are working together to develop a vision of the future society, make rules for market creation, and prepare a carbon credit exchange scheme with the aim of having the league fully operational from FY2023 onward.


Working group on Disclosure and Evaluation of Climate-related Opportunities

The GX League has established the Working Group on Disclosure and Evaluation of Climate-related Opportunities as part of its ongoing efforts to develop rules for market creation. Formed with a wide range of stakeholders, including companies and financial institutions, the working group aims to create a framework for appropriately evaluating companies' opportunities to contribute to addressing climate change. As the first initiative of the Working Group, it has published basic guidelines in March 2023 to define climate-related opportunities and provide fundamental principles for using such metrics.


In December 2023, the Working Group published new case studies for financial institutions on avoided emissions. These particular case studies, titled "Leveraging Avoided Emissions: Financial Institution Case Studies," serves as a supplementary document to the basic guidelines released in March 2023. They seek to encourage financial institutions to utilize avoided emissions and provide real-life use cases of different methods and their purposes. These case studies was published in cooperation with WBCSD through continuous discussions and collaboration.


In May 2024, the Working Group published new hypothetical case studies for companies that disclose information on avoided emissions. These hypothetical case studies, titled "Hypothetical Cases for Avoided Emissions Disclosure," serve as a supplementary document to the Basic Guidelines, just as the previous case studies did. These documents are prepared to promote practical disclosure in line with the Basic Guidelines.